As I watched I understood what the show was about and I thought that it was great. Time travel, adventures, and saving the world was a great way to start my reintroduction to the Dr Who fan club.
I thought they had ruined the show, that was until David Tennant took over as the new Doctor! I was immediately drawn into the show and captivated by the new direction the show took. I know it was more of a soap opera and it dealt with a lot of human inter action but it was David’s unique style that intrigued me.
I didn't miss an episode. The show was now part of my normal routine. Each week I would watch the newest episode with joy and wonder.
After a few seasons they decided to kill this doctor off and that was very disappointing to me. I thought that David did a great job as the Doctor and he was made for the role.
The new doctor was more of a scientist than a smooth character like David.
wire sculptures
He definitely wasn't a tough guy like Tom. He had his own style that after some time began to grow on me. I soon grew accustomed to the new role and I began to like the Geeky Scientist Doctor. Of course you know what happened. They Killed him! I thought to myself great! Just when I was getting back into the show my Doctor was gone. I am now trying to get into this new Doctor.
I will be tuning to the BBC to see this current version of
the Doctor. I won’t get too acquainted because just like all of the Doctors he
will only be here for a short time.
The great part of the show is that they combined the male aspect of the Doctor with the female companions view. The recipe works great you get the all knowing Doctor who is cool under pressure and the companion who is going crazy with fear and distress at all of the Aliens and Monsters who are trying to kill them.
First on the list is the Darleks.
Daleks are an extraterrestrial race of cyborgs created by the scientist Davros during the final years of a thousand-year war against the Thals. He genetically modified his race (known as the Kaleds), and integrated them with a tank-like, robotic shell. His final modification was to remove their ability to feel pity, compassion, or remorse. The Daleks soon came to view themselves as the supreme race in the universe and began a conquest of universal domination and extermination. Various story lines portray them as having had every emotion removed except hate, leaving them with a desire to purge the universe of all non-Dalek life. Collectively they are the greatest enemies of the series' protagonist, the Time Lord known as the Doctor.
Davros is a master mind enemy of the Doctor who wants to take over the world. He was the creator of the Daleks.
The Sontarans are Humanoid clones who live to fight. The few episodes that I watched with them in the story were funny and a little unnerving. They looked like an army of Napoleons who were bent on destruction.
The most horrifying character in the TV series is the weeping Angels
This character is one that will make your skin crawl.
The Weeping Angels are a race of predatory creatures from the long-running sci-fi series Doctor Who, resembling stone statues. They were introduced in the 2007 episode "Blink", making repeat appearances in "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone" (2010) and "The Angels Take Manhattan" (2012) as well as cameo appearances in "The God Complex" (2011) and "The Time of the Doctor" (2013). Since their initial appearance, they have been persistently nominated as one of the most popular and frightening Doctor Who monsters(wikkipedia).
As a fan of Science Fiction and all things Tech and Geek I have grown to like the series.
This was an amazing Cosplay of a Tardis.
We know that the Doctor is an amazingly popular character that fans all over the world enjoy.
I hope you have enjoyed this blog about one of my favorite shows. If you like the content please subscribe to this link. I will continue writing new stories each week as inspiration comes.
See you !
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