Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Blacklist

The Blacklist is a crime drama that started in 2013. I just started watching it on Netflix a few weeks ago and I am intrigued. The show has all of the makings of a keeper.

Yeah I know I’m late to the party but with my late arrival I get to watch multiple seasons without worrying about commercial breaks and show stoppages. I think I will approach more shows this way.

I don’t get an opportunity to watch much TV as it stands so the few shows I do watch have to be good.

This show was different because they took a character that was pretty evil and self serving and made him likable. I was amazed at the number of people Raymond killed. My first thought was “This guy is a serial killer” and yet they kept the show going in the same direction.
If you are like me and you haven’t watched the show let me tell you a little about it. Raymond was a Naval Officer who turned to crime and became one of the most wanted criminals in the world.
He turns himself in at the FBI’s head quarters and that’s when the story goes crazy. They decide that they are going to use him for his criminal connections to capture people who are on the most wanted list or the Black List. We are taken through many different specialists who are experts in different criminal fields. One of the surprises in the show for me at least is that Elizabeth Keen is the only person Raymond will speak too regarding his criminal information. We have that story line evolving in the back ground as Raymond systematically takes out all of his competition.

Raymond "Red" Reddington, a former officer of the United States Navy who disappeared twenty years earlier, before becoming one of 

the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, surrenders himself to Assistant Director Harold Cooper at FBI Headquarters in Washington, 

D.C. Taken to an FBI "black site", Reddington claims to share the FBI's interest in getting rid of criminals and terrorists he has associated

 with, that are so dangerous and devious that Cooper is unaware even of their existence. He offers Cooper his knowledge and 

assistance on two conditions: immunity from prosecution, and working exclusively with Elizabeth Keen, a rookie profiler newly 

assigned to Cooper. Keen and Cooper are suspicious of Reddington's interest in her, but he will only say that she is "very special". 

After Cooper tests Reddington's offer in locating and killing a terrorist in the first episode, Reddington reveals that this man was only the

 first on his "blacklist" of global criminals, which he has compiled over his criminal career, and states that he and the FBI have a mutual 

interest in eliminating them.( Wikipedia) Thanks Wiki.

The show has some moments when I had to suspend disbelief, Like when Raymond is found in a suburban home where a house wife is counterfeiting stacks and stacks of bills. That was over the line for me, but being the TV and movie fan that I am I accepted it for the sake of the show.

There are many parts of the show that I had to just shake my head at because of the completely insane claims they made. All in all it is an entertaining show and I still have 2 years worth of episodes to watch just to catch up with today.
                                                                                                                              Like us on Facebook        
The full cast is as follows:
James Spader- Raymond Reddington
Megan Boone- Elizabeth Keen
Diego Klattenhoff- Donald Ressler
Harry Lennix- Harold Cooper  FBI Director
Ryan Eggold-Tom Keen  Elizabeth’s husband
Amir Arison – Aram Mojtabai computer specialist
Harry Linix- Harold Cooper  FBI Director

Ryan Eggold-Tom Keen  Elizabeth’s husband
Amir Arison – Aram Mojtabai computer specialist

These are just a few of the main characters for the show. I will keep watching until I get through all of the episodes. I do have some work to do so It may take some time to catch up.
This TV show doesn't have a wire sculpture modeled after it so I will have to create one in the future.
Please subscribe to this blog if you enjoy my take on this topic and the other topics I have chosen.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Dr Who- A journey through Time

 I became a Dr Who fan as a small child many years ago. I would get up and turn my TV to PBS at 6 am and watch the show. I didn't understand anything about the show I just knew that it was interesting. The First Doctor had an insane looking Afro and he wore a scarf.
 I thought this was very different and I watched anyway because they were doing things with horrible props and no special effects. I soon stopped watching the show for many years until a few years ago.

 I saw an episode on the BBC channel with Christopher Eccleston. I though “This is the Doctor?”  I noticed he was a real tough guy and he brought a certain menace with him. My mind went back to that first Doctor Tom Baker and I began to get into the show again.

As I watched I understood what the show was about and I thought that it was great. Time travel, adventures, and saving the world was a great way to start my reintroduction to the Dr Who fan club.
Soon after I got back into the show they killed the Doctor and I was let down.

I thought they had ruined the show, that was until David Tennant took over as the new Doctor! I was immediately drawn into the show and captivated by the new direction the show took. I know it was more of a soap opera and it dealt with a lot of human inter action but it was David’s unique style that intrigued me.

 I didn't miss an episode. The show was now part of my normal routine. Each week I would watch the newest episode with joy and wonder.
After a few seasons they decided to kill this doctor off and that was very disappointing to me. I thought that David did a great job as the Doctor and he was made for the role.

The new doctor was more of a scientist than a smooth character like David.

 wire sculptures

 He definitely wasn't a tough guy like Tom. He had his own style that after some time began to grow on me. I soon grew accustomed to the new role and I began to like the Geeky Scientist Doctor. Of course you know what happened. They Killed him! I thought to myself great! Just when I was getting back into the show my Doctor was gone. I am now trying to get into this new Doctor.

I will be tuning to the BBC to see this current version of the Doctor. I won’t get too acquainted because just like all of the Doctors he will only be here for a short time.
You can't talk about the Doctor without discussing his companions.
The great part of the show is that they combined the male aspect of the Doctor with the female companions view. The recipe works great you get the all knowing Doctor who is cool under pressure and the companion who is going crazy with fear and distress at all of the Aliens and Monsters who are trying to kill them.
First on the list is the Darleks.
Daleks are an extraterrestrial race of cyborgs created by the scientist Davros during the final years of a thousand-year war against the Thals. He genetically modified his race (known as the Kaleds), and integrated them with a tank-like, robotic shell. His final modification was to remove their ability to feel pity, compassion, or remorse. The Daleks soon came to view themselves as the supreme race in the universe and began a conquest of universal domination and extermination. Various story lines portray them as having had every emotion removed except hate, leaving them with a desire to purge the universe of all non-Dalek life. Collectively they are the greatest enemies of the series' protagonist, the Time Lord known as the Doctor.

Davros is a master mind enemy of the Doctor who wants to take over the world. He was the creator of the Daleks.

The Sontarans are Humanoid clones who live to fight. The few episodes that I watched with them in the story were funny and a little unnerving. They looked like an army of Napoleons who were bent on destruction.

The most horrifying character in the TV series is the weeping Angels
This character is one that will make your skin crawl.
The Weeping Angels are a race of predatory creatures from the long-running sci-fi series Doctor Who, resembling stone statues. They were introduced in the 2007 episode "Blink", making repeat appearances in "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone" (2010) and "The Angels Take Manhattan" (2012) as well as cameo appearances in "The God Complex" (2011) and "The Time of the Doctor" (2013). Since their initial appearance, they have been persistently nominated as one of the most popular and frightening Doctor Who monsters(wikkipedia).

As a fan of Science Fiction and all things Tech and Geek I have grown to like the series.

This was an amazing Cosplay of a Tardis.

 We know that the Doctor is an amazingly popular character that fans all over the world enjoy.
I hope you have enjoyed this blog about one of my favorite shows. If you like the content please subscribe to this link. I will continue writing new stories each week as inspiration comes.
See you !

Monday, March 16, 2015

Indiana Comic Con - Indianapolis Comic Con

This weekend was the Indiana Comic Con and I can say that it was truly a memorable event.The first thing I noticed when I arrived at the site was how large the building was. The staff had already set up most of the tables for the Stars and the Vendor sections were ready to go. Once I completed my set up I waited for the horn to sound for the start of the Con.
The crowds were started early. There were many many people waiting for hours for the headliners to show up.

I met Roy Hilbert form the Indiana Pacers
After the Con was started I looked up and to my surprise I saw Roy Hilbert walking down the isle with a camera crew. I had to take a picture with him. Unfortunately it required that I took a trick question test first on camera. That didn't work out so well! I tried to ensure I answered all of the questions correctly but I was unsuccessful. I hope I don't see it on Youtube.

I met an artist who was also working the Con. He is the originator of the Fried pickle comic. We had a great time talking about all of the crazy things that we saw at the show.

You know a Comic Convention isn't worth anything unless you have Chewy show up. It just so happened that I had a wire sculpture made of that character. I jumped at the chance to have him take a picture with my creation.

I looked up and I saw the crazy zombie Uncle Sam so I had to take a picture of him.

This character caught me by surprise. Xorn from the X-men comics. You will hardly ever see this character at a Con. It isn't a very popular character. I will say that the guy pulled it off.

Yes it's the Wicked Witch of the West everyone. I saw this outfit and had to take a picture.I think she did a great job in capturing the essence of the character.
Twisted wire Art
Bane entered the building and I had to get a picture. This guy was huge. He made me look like a little fellow. The first thing I noticed was that his arms looked like tree trunks. I asked Mr. Bane, The Punisher, Star Lord and Hercules If I could take a photo with them and they were very happy to oblige.

Bane asked me if I wanted to fight , I looked him in the eye and said " Any time sport Any time" He changed his mind. ( No that didn't happen just playing)

Storm came by to visit with me.You know I had to have her pose with a wire sculpture of her Cos-Play character.

I have no Idea who this is I just thought that the costume was interesting.

Batman and Cat Woman came by and you know I had to get a photo.
Ghost Rider came in the building and I realized that I needed to create a sculpture of that character. I don't often see anyone wearing a costume of old Ghost rider so it was good to see someone giving the character some love.
I saw this wonderful lady wearing the coolest Tardis dress I had ever seen so of course I had to have her pose with my Doctor Who sculpture and Tardis.

I have no idea who she is or what she is dressed as I just thought it was very classy and it deserved some recognition.

Finding Nemo???? Not too sure, the guy in the green had me laughing. If you are confident enough to paint yourself green and go shirtless in front of thousands of people then I have to give you credit for being bold.

This Cos- Player made everything she was wearing and I thought that was admirable.

This Cos- Play was from a cartoon where the human race was being eaten by giants. The name escapes me but I thought it was good.

When I saw the Fellowship of the rings Cos- Players I had to get them to take a pic with my Legolas sculpture. I don't know where Gimley went but the rest of the team looked great.

This Cos-Player was completely covered in these little x marks. I thought that was true dedication.

This had to be the most amazing person I saw in all of the Con!!!! This gentleman had his eyes tattooed!!! Yes his eyes are actually tattooed. He went to England to have it done. I can honestly say that I have never seen anything like this ever in my life. I was fascinated I asked him question after question. He actually has a regular job and a girlfriend ( standing behind him) who loves the look. His job has no issues with his eye tattoos or his face tattoo. Amazing!

This Batman Cos-Player was a very nice guy. We talked about his new book found on Amazon. 

I saw a few throwback Cos-Players dressed as Batman Villains. I couldn't resist.
It was a great weekend of fun and hard work. I hope that the people who purchased a wire sculpture will put it someplace special in their homes. Now I will have to create many more sculptures for the next show,
I will tell you this, since the Marvel and DC Movies are coming out and we have the Comic Book inspired TV shows on almost every channel the Con attendance is going up. It's finally OK to like comics because Hollywood has made it cool to be a nerd. If you don't believe me check out Big Bang Theory, Scorpions, Numbers and a host of  other TV shows centered around the Nerd genre.
I hope you enjoyed this episode of Important things in the world.  Please subscribe to the blog as I continue on this journey of art and creativity.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Avengers Age of Ultron

Avengers Age of Ultron

Marvel Studios has come up with another great installment of the Avengers franchise. The next movie has been titled Avengers Age of Ultron. Most people who will go to the theaters to watch the movie will not have any idea where the movie originated from.
The movie was inspired from the recent comic book series that was a huge fan favorite.
Age of Ultron (abbreviated AU) is a 10-issue limited series comic book crossover story line published by Marvel Comics that involved the return of Ultron and his conquest of the Earth.
The event was published between March and June 2013 and featured a story line by Brian Michael Bendis. Artist Bryan Hitch provided the art for issues one through five, and Brandon Peterson for issues six through nine. Other artists who contributed to the series include Carlos Pacheco and Joe Quesada, the latter of whom drew part of the final issue

This series was a best seller for Marvel it had record sells and it was a huge hit for all comic book fans. The story was requested by the studios because of the popularity. Another thing to think about is that having heroes destroy robots instead of human beings. This allows the studio to have all of the high velocity action and incredible visuals with out sacrificing the PG rating.

Fans everywhere are excited for the release of this new movie. It will have all of the heroes we have come to know and love while introducing a few more into the fold. We all know about Captain America and Tony Stark and the main Villain Ultron.

The newest additions to the film are :
Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Pietro Maximoff/ Quicksilver
James Spader as the voice of Ultron
Paul Bettany as Jarvis/ The Vision
Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff/ The Scarlet Witch
These actors are the newest addition to the movie. We can expect all of our favorite characters to show up and amaze us with their splendor.

Once we get the new movie we will be amazed as always with the great special effects and all of the new advancements in film making. I look forward to the epic battle scenes and all of the action that we have come to expect from the high quality movies produced by Marvel.

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One of the scenes that I look forward to seeing is the fight scene with the Hulk and Iron Man. This will prove to be one of the best scenes in the movie. As we know Tony stark can invent anything if he puts his mind to it. 
In this case he will be fighting the Hulk the most powerful character in the Marvel Universe.

We don't know why they will be engaged in this epic fight but what we do know is that it will be huge. This fight will prove to us just how strong both characters are.

This movie will be the gate way for Marvels next line of great movie installments. I expect them to be great additions to the Marvel universe. The thing Hollywood has finally figured out is that they have a ready made audience of adults who were comic book fans and cartoon fans as children. Now these children are adults and their kids are becoming fans. This is a perfect storm for Marvel. If they can keep putting out quality material we can expect them to be hits.
                                                                       Marvel Wire sculptures
We will be given a wonderful treasure of visual splendor when the movies finally hit the theaters. I am not expecting an Oscar winning performance but I am expecting a great movie. As a Marvel fan I will be jumping with joy to see my childhood heroes come to life.
                                                                   twisted wire art
If you are interested in a print of one of my sculptures or if you would like your very own hand made wire sculpture please send me a note. Thanks for reading this blog stay tuned for more interesting topics.