Tuesday, February 24, 2015

New Marvel Avengers movie

New Marvel Avengers movie sculptures

The new Marvel Avengers movie will be out soon and I have created a few new wire sculptures just for the occasion
you will see Thor, Captain America, the Hulk, and Iron Man in this blog.
Because the movie was so popular I had to create a version of all of the characters for myself.
the next movie due to come out in May 2015 should be great.
I thought it would be great to see Ultron in film. Marvel studios really have their act together and they are really making great strides in dominating the market.
I will continue to create sculptures based on all of the characters just because I love everything associated with Marvel.
You can see some of my latest wire sculptures at .www.twistedwire.us and if you would like me to create one for you send me a request and I will get to work


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