Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What are you doing for the Holiday?

It's that time of year when we all gravitate towards family and we have one of two different reactions. We are either very excited or we are depressed. Now depending on your family structure you may be experiencing both emotions or none. What I would like to discuss is the plans you have. Are you going to get on the road and see family or are you going to stay at home and celebrate with your friends. What part of the Holiday season you you like most? What part can you do without?


  1. I'm going to relax watch my boys enjoy themselves and sit on the couch with my wife and look at movies

  2. I will be working while everyone else is enjoying family. I wish I could go home but that's not in the cards for me. I'll celebrate with friends this year. Maybe I'll get lucky and find a girl you know any nice girls?
