Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Justice league vs Avengers

Justice League vs Avengers
I created my second themed chess set and this time the primary characters are the  Justice league and the Avengers.
This is the top view of the Justice league. All of the pieces are about 3 inches tall so they are not very big. That made it difficult to add the needed detail for each piece. I used checkmate characters as the pawns because they are cool.

I had to give Marvel some love in this set. The tough part was choosing the characters to be the court. That gave me some trouble because there are so may great characters to choose from. I finally  settled on the Iconic characters. I also added War machine because he is one of my favorite pieces.

The king in the set is Thor. I was torn between him and Captain America, but after thinking about it I came to the conclusion that Thor is a Norse god and he does rule Asgaurd.

Captain America would have to be in the set. I tried to capture the shield to give the piece some flash. He is a Bishop in the set.

I made The Hulk larger than the rest well because he is the Hulk. LOL. And you know what The Hulk always says? Hulk SMASH..... I have the Hulk as a Knight in the set.

This piece brought a smile to my face. I think Hawkeye is just the coolest character. I took his classic costume from the comics and gave him only one arrow. He is a rook in the set.

No set is complete without Black widow. I made her the Queen. I was going to use the Scarlet Witch but at the last minute old Black widow won out.

Iron Man .....nuff said. LOL,  I couldn't get the detail in the mask so I just left it out. I'm sure you can tell this is Iron Man. 

The best there is at what he does. Wolverine is one of the coolest characters in the Marvel universe so I had  to include him. He is a knight in the chess set.

Spider man Spider man does whatever a Spider can. Yes I put the old web slinger in the set as a rook.

War machine is my extra piece for the set. I made him just because...

I knew right away that I would have nick Fury and the shield agents as my pawns. They came out great. I even took the time to make them diverse.

I made a small version of Hawk Man and it came out great! I love this character. I will have to make a larger version of it in the future. He is a Rook in the set.

This is a side view of Hawk Man.

The Dark Knight...Nuff said!

I had to give you another view of Batman
Man I really like this character. Batman the Dark Knight came out very well.

No set is complete without Green Lantern.

The Queen in the set is Wonder Woman

The Man of steel is represented. Super Man is the King.

Green Arrow is another great piece for the set.

Cyborg has been added to the Justice league and you know I had to put him in the set.

The  Flash is the fastest man alive and in this set he holds a place as a rook.

 To close out the set I included the check mate group of Warriors.
The entire set took me a few weeks to complete. In the end I this it was well worth the time.
I hope you like the new set. Please follow me on facebook for more interesting art. please click on an add before you close the blog.
I'll see you next week.

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