Sunday, December 4, 2011

Deacon Lords is on the move

This blog is all about Deacon Lords. We have been very busy with craft shows all over northern Va. This year we have put more sculptures out in circulation than ever before! Our next venture will be in
Art A La Carte an artist cooperative
The gallery is located in Occoquan, VA.
I will have many of my newest works displayed there. I hope you will have an opportunity to come out and visit the gallery and see some incredible art work.

The following image I have a picture of an Futuristic Army Ranger with full battle armor and heads up display.

The next sculpture was one that was inspired by the thought of my fellow Marines. After I watched the movie aliens and I got a glimpse of the Space Marines, I had to make my version of them. This sculpture captures all of the bravado and toughness of the Marines. I imagined a warrior that had enough weapons to be his own field support. He has shoulder mounted howitzers, two arm mounted machine guns, also on his leg is a rocket system to give him a real powerful punch on the battlefield.

These are just a few of my many creations. I am constantly in the laboratory creating new sculptures and pushing the envelope.
Please visit my website to view more of my creations.

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work! We always support the great work you are doing!
