Monday, April 4, 2016

Gem City Comic Con

This weekend Twisted Wire participated in the GEM City Comic con and the results were awesome.
The show started April 2nd and ended April 3rd. The attendance was great. I will say that the City of Dayton was well represented and everyone had fun. There were quite a few Cos-Players out displaying their outfits. Some of the Cos-players were amazing and some of them well.....Hmmm I will say that they had something to aspire to.
Block head Batman

The people that I had a chance to speak with were all very nice and interesting. I had a great time talking to the fans about all things geek. That is one of the things I love about Comic Cons, people can let their hair down and just have fun.
 This Cos -Player was in a very unique outfit. She had actual hooves that clopped like a horse. she was having a great time walking around and showing off her work.
When I saw this Jedi I had to smile because this was the female version of Obi Wan Kinobi. I had her pose with my wire sculpture of her character.

 This was the warrior from Skyrum. He had and excellent costume. I thought he did a great job in making his outfit.
Red Hood

Power Fist Batman
 The two day show had fans of all things comics and Sci Fi coming out to see all of the cool artwork and meet some of the artist and celebrities associated with Marvel and DC comics.
Dare Devil and Winter Soldier


Green Arrow and Domino

Bat Girl and Night Wing
 Bat Girl and Night wing were holding wire sculptures of their characters.
Batman Deadpool and Wonder woman posing with Fans

The Hero procession

Kid Flash
 I had Kid Flash pose with a small Flash wire sculpture.
Tera Deamon
Roller Babies of Dayton

I would most certainly do this show again because I had a really good time just geeking out and selling artwork. I met a lot of vendors who were fans of all things Geek. We had some fun discussions and I had a chance to see some incredible artwork. If you haven't been to a comic con then you are missing out. It is a fun way to see some very talented Artists and have a lot of fun with the family. Gem City Comic Con staff great Job on a Con Well Done!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Wolf Pack and The Ellite

The Elite VS the Wolf pack
I wanted to create a group of warriors in two teams that could oppose one another in my search for characters to fulfill this role I came up with the wolf pack and the elite both groups of soldiers are incredible Warriors and amazing Fighters so I cultivated this team to show all of their abilities and all of this skill


The members of the Elite are:

Shock- Named for his unique ability to surprise his enemies. He is a lethal warrior when in close combat.

Weapon 50- One of the most amazing warriors of his time. Weapon 50 was an experimental soldier who was genetically enhanced to be the ultimate warrior. He honed his skills through years of combat.
Old Clay
Dark Arrow-He is the most accurate sniper of his time. He could hit a fly with a tooth pic at 100 yards in a snowstorm. His mind and skills allow... him to calculate the trajectories of his projectiles in a way that defies logic. He can use guns, knives, or a bow to levels unseen by anyone before his time.

Dark Arrow
Old Clay- the oldest soldier in the entire army, Old Clay has been around since the first battles were fought in this conflict. He possess incredible strength and tenacity. Somehow he has survived through thousands of battles. His skill with the Morning Stars is remarkable and in close quarter combat there is no one else you would want behind you.

Weapon 50

Ulysies- Ulysies is from a time that history long forgot. He fights with chivalry and honor and his every move is a testament to his honor bound dedication to fighting for what’s right. His exoskeleton gives him superior strength and speed. Coupled with his skill with the blade he is a incredible warrior.
Zeus-The shining star from Wakanda. Zeus has been assigned to the Elite by non-other than the King himself. He brings with him vibranium based armor that absorbs and redirects any impact from an outside source. He wields a plasma cannon hand gun and a vibra- sword made from a vibranium based composite. His fighting skills are on the level with the Black Panther.
Major Redd-After discovering the secret to the long lost super soldier serum a small group of scientists injected Redd, (Then a 1st LT in the Army) with the 1st dose that changed his life. He had the same results that Steve Rodgers had but with one exception. His mind was accelerated he can now play out hundreds of scenarios in his mind. This makes him an incredible field General because his tactics are always sound.

This is why his team of warriors have been able to survive so long in this war.

The Members of the Wolf Pack :

This is the Elite group of warriors known as the Wolf Pack. The members include.
 The descendant of the Indian nation in the United States Chief Running Bear, next is Delta 7 a one man fighting force who wields a chain fed assault riffle. In the back is the lethal force of nature the Spartan. Clasher is in the middle with his shield and sword, he is a warrior that comes once in a front is Captain Pain who is a member of the Queens Guard. He is a specially trained warrior who has mastered 50 different fighting styles. On the other side is the Witch King, he was displaced from his reality and he chose to stay here and fight in the Wolf Packs war. Leading the group of warriors is Agent 50. Agent 50 is a gifted leader. He understands tactics and the capabilities of his people. He also is one amazing fighter. His skills are many steps above even the most Elite warriors.

The Wolf Pack is a collection of the greatest warriors that have ever been seen in the realm. They fight together as a well oiled machine.
The Spartan is the groups combat instructor. He has been a hand to hand fighter since he was 5 yrs old. His people believed that a warrior should be always ready no matter the situation.
The number of disciplines he knows would rival the Dark Knight himself, you may know him by another name some call him Batman. Spartan is and expert with over 1000 different types of weapons. If you find your self in conflict with him there are two possible outcomes. You either die or you run away. He is an amazing combatant when it comes to hand to hand or cutting weapons.

Delta 7

A specialized warrior who has been equipped with body armor that is blended with multiple layers of titanium and Kevlar. He carries a belt fed assault machine gun. On his back is a pack that houses hundreds of rounds of ammunition. He also has a hip mounted plasma sword and a mac 10 sub machine gun on his thigh. This is the warrior that is sent into combat to defeat the enemy's of his leaders. Just like his name sake he is the best of the best.

 The Witch King is a warrior from a different realm. His kingdom is a place of evil and darkness. He has tried to guide his people in the ways of the light which makes him a very unpopular leader with some of the members of the leadership. He has tried to overcome that darkness with good and by the strength of his faith and his abilities as a leader and a warrior he has been successful. Because of a freak accident he fell through a portal that delivered him to this reality So without a kingdom and his people he joined to the cause to be a beacon of hope in this world.
The Witch King
Chief Running Bear is a highly trained spec ops warrior. He is a descendant of the Apache Indians in the American west. He wears his ceremonial head dress in honor of his forefathers. His survival skills and fighting skills are beyond the normal range of a regular soldier. He fights with a tomahawk and a silenced assault rifle. When he was asked why he has a silencer on his riffle he responded that he didn't want his enemy's to hear him coming.

Chief Running Bear

Agent 50

Agent 50 is one of the most decorated members of Shield. He excelled in every category they had for leadership. He carries an array of specialized weapons that are equipped for almost any situation. He has the ability to adapt to any situation. He can take the worst situation and find a way to succeed in it. This ability has lead to victories on the battlefield when defeat was a certainty. He has also turned suicide missions into victories.
Because of this every man in shield wants to be led by him. His Leadership skills are legendary and he is a force to be reckoned with.

The battle rages on and the combatants look for an advantage over each other.
The Elite and the Wolf Pack will continue this battle for many years to come.
I hope you enjoyed this story.
Check out more artwork at
Hustle Harder

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

All things Deapool

The new Deadpool movie is a hit!
We knew it was going to be good only if the studios didn't mess with the story and they stuck to the source material. This is a great example that shows the studios that all of the years the writers put in developing the characters in comics is valuable. You can't argue with over twenty years and in some cases many more years of development.

Ryan Reynolds has been pushing to get this movie made for a few years. It looks like all of his efforts have paid off to our benefit.
 So for the few people who don't know who this character is I will give you a brief introduction.
Wade Wilson AKA Deadpool is a Mercenary who went around the world working for the next big score. He found out that he had cancer and he was going to die very soon. He was approached by a rep from the Weapon X program who offers a second option to Wade.
This option would not only save his life but it would make him better than he was before.

After going through the process Wade made a stunning discovery. His appearance was altered in a horrific way. His entire body looked like he had been through a meat grinder.

This look is right along with the source material so all of the comic book nerds are smiling. Deadpool got his name from the list of people who they thought would die. The group placed bets on who would die first so with that in mind Wade decided that would be his new name.


The movie included all of this information along with some of the best jokes I have heard in a while.

This image isn't from the movie....I just thought it was funny. LOL

Deadpool is after the guy who took his girl friend.

Dead pool had to go against a guy who couldn't feel pain and he was pretty strong as well. The one liners flowed and the hits just kept on coming. It was a wild ride and I enjoyed every second of it.

They had a couple of X-men in the movie which also had me laughing. I love the way they stuck to Colossus being Russian and trying to win Deadpool over to the X-Men. That was a funny bit all in itself. The fight scenes with the X-Men were awesome. This was a low budget movie $58 million dollars to be exact and they made that money back by Saturday morning.

I look forward to the next two movies.....Come on you don't think they will make this a trilogy?

They would have to be completely idiotic not to.
Deadpool will go on to open up new avenues for the superhero movies. For those of you who don't like hero movies I'm sorry...there are movies I don't like as well I just ignore them and keep it moving. My hope is that we will see the super hero movies stay around for about 50 years so that all of the fans can really enjoy them.
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog I will see you later.