Sunday, May 31, 2015

St Louis Comic Con

The Saint Louis Comic Con was awesome!
We had a great time at the Comic Con. There were many good celebrities there to include Robin Taylor the Penguin. Christian Kane who has been in a few of my favorite TV shows.

We also had Michael Rooker on site signing autographs and talking to all of the fans. He was a pretty cool guy and very nice to boot.

Twisted wire


Spiderman was there in full costume.

I met Captain Jack Sparrow at the con. He was a very nice guy. He even ordered a wire sculpture of his favorite character.
Moon Knight came to the con.

We had two links show up so I had to get a picture of them.

This was  Drew( Hunter), Chris (Warlock), and Chelsea (Hunter). They were dressed as characters from the video game destiny.

 This is Christy who was dressed as  Mrs Marvel . She said that she dressed as Mrs. Marvel because she is a positive character.
One of the characters from Naruto


The Ewoks showed up to the con. Problem is this Ewok was 5'11.

I have no Idea who this character is but she did a great job with her design.

My Brother came out to help me with the table.

Black Widow

The cast of Star Trek

This is Li who is a body builder. She dressed a s Bane to show off her hard work. She started competing this year and in her first competition she took 5th place.

Thor, Agent Carter, and Captain America

Boba Fett and another Star Wars Charachter

Super Woman

This was a great Batman costume the Cos Player did a great job designing it.

Hey its Chunk from the Goonies.

Robin with my sculpture of Robin.

This is Hawk Girl  her name is Kate. She created the costume herself. everything she wore was of her own design. She told me that she was going to compete in the contest and hopefully she would do well.
Her regular profession is a research lab technician. She has only started Cos-playing in the past year. St. Louis is only her 3rd Con.

I found out that Kate won the competition. I was very happy for her because she was such a nice person.
This was just a short look into the weekend at the Saint Louis Comic Convention.
I will continue writing about the next few shows that I do to give you a glimpse into the life of an Artist. I will be making more and more sculptures as time goes by if you want one please contact me .
See you next week.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Marvel Avenger Age of Ultron Review

Avengers Age of Ultron Review.
After see the movie for myself I can say that I enjoyed it very much!
Marvel did a great job capturing all of the characters and displaying their gifts and talents throughout the entire film. I loved how they had the Hulk inter act with the team. This was a great way to depict him and utilize his strength within the confines of the Avengers.
This film gave us an opportunity to see Tony stark and Dr. Banner in their elements as scientists. It also showed us how they differ in their approach to a problem.
I won’t give any of the movie away since everyone hasn’t seen it.
The introduction of Quick silver and the Scarlet Witch were well received. I think they captured the essence of who they were.
The movie progressed at a very good pace and I wasn’t bored at any time during the entire show.
They kept me on the edge of my seat with all of the action. The final climatic fight scene and the introduction of the Vision were both great. I created my own version of the Vision after seeing the movie. What do you expect I am an artist.

The only complaints I have is that they didn’t use Falcon enough in the movie. I thought he would add some good contrast with the War Machine.
As a fan I was high fiving my wife and kids because I am seeing my childhood comic book hero’s come to life.
So I will stand and applaud Marvel studios on their superb work in creating this film for all of us fans.
Great Job Marvel!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Floyd Mayweather walks to the bank laughing

Floyd Mayweather walks to the bank  laughing
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The Floyd Mayweather  Manny Pacquiao fight was the biggest fight financially in boxing history. The thing that makes me shake my head is the business side of the fight. Floyd Mayweather made the most money on this fight than any other fighter has ever made.

I am not going to look at the moral aspect of the allegations or the charges because that has already been evaluated and diced up by all of the media outlets. What I will do is look at the history of the boxing purses and see what some of the top fighters in history have made and how they compare to this fight and what Floyd Mayweather acomplished with his business moves.

I will give this some perspective, Muhammid Ali earned $5.5 million dollars in the George Forman fight. Ali also received $2.5 million in the Joe Frazier fight. This is for the fighter many in the boxing world call the greatest boxer ever.

Another example I will use is Oscar Delahoya.  Oscar was a great fighter and he was able to profit on his abilities by managing his affairs and becoming his own promoter. This was a great move for him. His highest purse was $53 million dollars earned for fighting Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Many of us remember Lennox Lewis as the World Heavyweight Champion. He was a Canadian and British Citizen. Lennox Lewis made 30 million dollars in his fight against Mike Tyson. This was a huge amount of money made by a boxer but it pales in comparison to some of the other purses we have seen in boxing history.
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Mike Tyson was one of the most explosive fighters we have ever seen! He knocked out most of his opponents in the early rounds. Mike was coveted as a champion because of his fighting style.

For a few minutes he would give you amazing entertainment and many of his opponents were afraid of him because of his incredible power. Mike earned in his largest purse $30 million dollars for fighting Evander Holyfield. He also made another $30 million dollars for fighting Lenox Lewis in 2002.

As I looked at the fighters listed I found Wladimir Klitschko who had won multiple championships. He is the current and reigning heavyweight champion. Klitschko holds the WBO, IBF, IBO and The Ring heavyweight championships. His largest purse was from the fight with David Haye in which he earned $32 million.

Evander Holyfield is one of the greatest boxers in history. He held the world title for almost a decade. His highest purse was in the match with Mike Tyson. He earned $35 million for that fight.
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Now that we have some perspective on some of the most profitable fighters in boxing history lets look at what Floyd Mayweather was able to accomplish.

In 2009 Floyd Mayweather made the best business decision of his life because he became his own promoter and this set the stage for all of his future dealings. this led to him getting a much larger pay out for each of his fights. He gave up the money on the front end to profit on the back end. This is something we should all think about. You can get a small amount now or you can wait until later and get a much larger sum of money.

Today we are looking at the results of the mega fight and we see that Mayweather was able to keep the profits in his hands.  The purse he received was around $180.0 million dollars. This is more money than any other fighter has ever made. This can go to show some of the young fighters that you can be the cash cow for everyone else or you can take control of your carrier and make the profits for yourself. I think as far as business is concerned Floyd definitely won in this one. His personal life well that’s another story for another day.                                                                               Like us on Facebook

I hope you had fun reading this story, If you did please like it and share it with your friends. You can also subscribe to the blog and check out some of my cool wire sculptures.

See you next week.