Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Movie technology coming to life.

Movie technology coming to life.

I was thinking about all of the things we see in movies and how art imitates life and that presented a question. What is the likelihood of us getting some of the things we see in the Marvel and DC movies coming to our nearest Walmart or Electronics store?

Let’s start with Iron Man.

Most people have seen the movies that came out a few years ago. They only made over 1 billion dollars. With that being said we know that the character and the technology has been put out to the public and we can’t get enough of it.

Iron Man or Tony Stark was a great inventor who designed and fabricated the Iron Man Armor in a cave to save his life from terrorists.  The science behind the movie is real and factual.
Tony stark was a playboy who never took anything serious except creating cool technologically advanced toys. We see this in the comics and on the big screen.
Tony was the ultimate playboy genius who was the envy  of every guy and the desire of every woman. The best part about the character is the technology. He was a master at integrating his robotics and the A.I he developed. The best part was the weapon systems that were designed. This is the part that is intriguing because the US Military would love to have many of the inventions displayed in the movie.
Some of the items are already being developed. The cool phone that Stark used in Iron Man 2 to take over the screens and humiliate the Senator who was going after him.
That technology is currently being developed. We aren't quite there yet but very soon we will have the full capability to do many of the things that the phone did in the movie. Have you ever programed you phone or tablet to control your TV or VCR? Well that is the same concept that the movie was playing on.
The next thing I saw on the movie was the way Stark was using his display in his armor to get loads of information. I thought this was fascinating because he had all of the info you could ask for at his finger tips.
 I saw this technology in real life in a TED talks episode a few years ago.
This was amazing to me! To see the images I saw in Hollywood come to life was simply mind blowing.
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The Atlas robot is an example of the Stark technology coming to life. In our lifetime we will finally be able to see the first man wearing a suit like Iron Man. I can't wait to set my eyes upon the first soldier to wear that amazing tech. We already have Exoskeletons developed for the military.
                                                                 twisted wire art
I don't think we will see the repulsor rays anytime soon. Scientists haven't figured out how to develop an arc reactor so there isn't anything that has power to drive a weapon like that. Another  piece of movie magic that I don't think we will be seeing anytime soon is the Helicarrior created by Shield.

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This would be a huge feat that would be amazing but not very practical. Who knows, maybe the military is secretly working on a platform that we will see in 20 years.
I had to include the Caped Crusader in this list. Yes, Batman is also a playboy like Iron Man. the difference is that character of Batman would rather punch you in the face before he had a drink with you.
Batman is another fictional character who has some items that could be created. As you can see on the picture displayed above Batman has some gear that we can purchase right now. He also has some items that we couldn't hope to get like the Motorcycle or the All Terrain vehicle he was driving through Gotham in.
We can only hope to have the money to buy one of these cool toys to play with. You will need a few million dollars just to get in line.
I know all of the characters are fake but the science and technology is real and like most of us scientists where kids at one time and they watched all of the same shows. So we will see much of the tech come out in the next 30 years as the developers and engineers graduate college and start working
for tech companies all over the United States.
Remember this Art always imitates Life and Life imitates Art so what we see in movies today will someday become reality in our lives.
I hope you enjoyed this blog, I had fun writing it. Please subscribe and share this blog with your friends.
I'll see you next week!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Daredevil The Man without Fear

Daredevil the Man without fear.

I heard about the new series produced by Marvel and distributed through Netflix and I was anticipating the date that it would be released. A few days ago I looked in my Netflix account and I saw the headline for the new show. I didn't hesitate I took the plunge and began watching the series.
The first thought I had was “Ok this is kinda slow” then the show began to get progressively better.
It wasn't bad please don’t get me wrong, I was looking for the show to be what I thought it should be as a comic book and movie fan.
Marvel did their homework! They developed the characters and the story with a deft hand and a subtle nudge. They gave you the right amount of action while keeping the acting top notch. They had very very good actors portraying the different characters in the story.

Just in case you didn't know who Daredevil is I will give you a little bit of history on the character. Daredevil is the alter ego Matt Murdock a blind Lawyer in Hell’s Kitchen New York.
Matt was in an accident when he was a child that damaged his eyes. He was exposed to chemicals that gave him heightened senses. He developed a radar sense on top of all of the other senses. This gave him the ability to see in all directions and through and around solid objects. His sense of smell, touch, taste, and his hearing was heightened to superhuman levels. Matt was trained as a child by a man named Stick in many styles of Martial arts. Stick spent a few years training Matt and then one day he left Matt on his own.
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Matt’s father was a boxer who was taking dives to make money. He didn't like the fact that he was cheating and making money for the mob. Matt’s father wanted to show his son that he was a winner. He finally bet everything he had on himself for a fight that he was supposed to take a dive in the 5th round.  He won a small fortune and had a friend put the money aside for Matt’s education and care.

Matt went to Columbia and studied law, there he met Foggy Nelson who became his close friend and associate. They graduated and started their Law firm in Hell’s Kitchen.

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The Netflix series has many of the characters from the comic book so all of the fans of the comic will be very happy that the story was true to its roots. I can say for myself that the show was very entertaining and it kept me on the edge of my seat. They did an outstanding job in depicting the character and revealing the motivation that lead Matt to put on the mask and become a super Hero.
 The Kingpin of Crime was cast very well. they found a very good actor to portray the villain in the story. Vincent D'Onofrio did a great job playing the evil and misunderstood Kingpin.
 I did notice that they related the series back to the larger Marvel universe which was great. Marvel is layering the stories and making the TV and Movie series just like a comic book. I think it’s amazing how they have made comic books movies! You can really see the direction they are going in and how they plan on being successful. Marvel has thousands of story lines that are written and they even have all of the action sequences set up. The director can simply go from a comic book and see what he wants to do with the story.

Rosiaro Dawson played the nurse that would put Daredevil back together.
Scott Glen played Stick Daredevils trainer.

I am excited for the direction they are going in and all of the material that they have to choose from. We often said that it seemed like Hollywood was repeating the same stories over and over again. Well you can’t say that now because they finally understand that a good story can take many forms and using an established fan base ( comic book fans) and adding it to the always popular Kids and family oriented segment. You get huge profits!

I recommend the TV series Dardevil and I will be making a few Daredevil wire sculptures.
I hope you enjoyed this review of the new TV series and if you like the blog please subscribe to it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Eddie Murphy a comedy Legend

Eddie Murphy is in my thoughts one of our generations greatest comedians.
I have been a Eddie Murphy fan for many many years. The first experience I had was watching Eddie in Saturday Night Live.He had so many characters that he played. His quick wit and dazzling lines kept me laughing at every joke. As my eyes watered and my stomach hurt I craved more of the crazy one liners that he was famous for.

Eddie played Buckwheat in that skit and he was great.
I laughed every time I saw him play this character. As I think back I remember that I wouldn't watch the show unless Eddie was on that particular day.

He had another character he played that was so hilarious. He put his own spin on Mr Rogers neighborhood. This Character was called Mr Rogers. He was a street wise show host who just kept the laughs flowing.
The first really big splash came when Eddie performed in his stand up titled Delirious.

The stand up comedy in Eddie's show was so funny that even today his jokes will bring tears to your eyes. I remember hearing people quote his jokes everywhere. It was funny from beginning to the end. I haven't seen an act that was that funny since. I can't remember one part of the show that didn't have me laughing. If you think about it you probably can't think of one either. This is the classic blueprint for any comedian who wants to be successful.

After the success of the Delirious stand-up Eddie became a household name. He had movie roles coming in and we all could see his star rising in Hollywood.
Eddie had a role in 48 hours and you and I both know he killed it. He was edgy and very very funny in his role as Reggie Hammond. Nick Nolte was his partner and the studio couldn't have done a better job in picking the right team for this movie.
It was a huge hit and the movie opened the door for Eddie to be Hollywood's next leading man.

Eddie began starring in a string of movies that for the most part were incredible.
Coming To America was absolutely fabulous! I can watch that movie every week and not get tired of it. Eddie was great and the best part was that they put together a great cast and the story was one that we never see. Eddie was a Prince who was looking for love. To have the story told from the perspective that they chose made me smile. We also saw the acting genius of  Eddie because he played multiple characters in the film and it was amazing.
Eddie had a nice run until Boomerang. I hated this movie because it took my favorite comedian and made him a whipping boy for the starry eyed vixen.
The worst part of the movie was that he broke Halle Berry's heart. The movie was overall very good if you can over look that whole whipped Eddie and destroy Halle thing.
That was the highlight of the cool Eddie. The next group of movies were not as successful as Eddies upward trek to stardom.
Don't get me wrong Eddie did do very well in Beverly Hills Cop 1 and 2.
This role was awesome and it was a highlight of Eddies Carrier. Unfortunately Eddie didn't have another movie like this. He had some successful films but he was never able to get back the cool guy/ heart throb image he had before.
Even though Eddie was no longer a heart throb he found a way to reinvent himself into a whole new market.
Eddie took on the role as donkey in the movie SHREK.
Can you say cha-ching? This was a huge win for Eddie in a time where he wasn't as popular as he had been in Hollywood. Eddie played in multiple movies, cartoons, video games, and TV shows as this character. 
I applauded Eddie for this change because he showed his ability to be divers and creatively put out his brand of comedy in a new family environment.
He also had the Nutty Professor franchise.
The Nutty Professor Franchise has made close to $300 million dollars. We saw Eddies performance as he played multiple roles again. This time Eddie expanded his multiple roles and nailed it. The Nutty Professor was a hit and it resulted in a sequel. We all know how sequels go so I won't even get into that.
I will end this blog with Eddies performance in Dream Girls.
He played James Early and his performance put him in the conversation for an Oscar Nomination. He didn't win the award but he did get the respect of many of the power players in Hollywood.
Eddie hasn't gone back to doing stand up and he is still working on multiple projects. I will always look back on his past roles and his comedic style and smile because to me Eddie Murphy is and will always be a comedy Legend.