Saturday, December 12, 2015

Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones is the newest addition to the Netflix line of shows. It was created by Marvel Studios and released in November. I finally finished the entire series and I can say Bravo Marvel!!!! This was a very dark and different series that was very well done.
The lead character in the show is Krysten Ritter. Krysten is known for her roles as Jane Margolis on the AMC drama series Breaking Bad, Chloe on the ABC comedy series Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 .
She has been in quite a few films such as  What happens in Vegas,27 dresses, Confessions of a Shopaholic, She's out of my league, Veronica Mars and many more.  She has worked very hard to perfect her craft. This very clear when you watch her work in the series. Krysten embraces the character and displays all of the emotion and rage a person would have if they were forced to act against their will.
The lead character in the show is Krysten Ritter. Krysten is known for her roles as Jane Margolis on the AMC drama series Breaking Bad, Chloe on the ABC comedy series Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 .
She has been in quite a few films such as  What happens in Vegas,27 dresses, Confessions of a Shopaholic, She's out of my league, Veronica Mars and many more.  She has worked very hard to perfect her craft. This very clear when you watch her work in the series. Krysten embraces the character and displays all of the emotion and rage a person would have if they were forced to act against their will
This was one of the more surprising additions to the series. David Tennant played the super villain Killgrave. His character in the comics was called the Purple Man. He had the ability to control people and make them do what ever he said just by speaking to them. David is a very good actor. He played the Doctor in the BBC series Doctor Who. He did an amazing job in this role.
I watched the series and I enjoyed every minute of it. Dave played the Doctor for a few seasons and he then moved on to other roles. I think the time he played the Doctor  is one of the best portrayals in the history of the show.
I was surprised that he was cast in the role of Kilgrave in Jesseca Jones. After watching the entire first season ( yeah I binged watched the show) I can say that it was a job well done.
One of my favorite characters is Luke Cage played by Mike Colter. Luke Cage in the Marvel comics universe is a man who was wrongfully accused of a crime and imprisoned. While he was locked up they performed an experiment that led to him having skin that was harder than Steele and it gave him incredible strength.
He works in a Bar that was owned by his wife, while she was working a case for a client Jessica Jones was investigating the relationship that Luke had with a woman. This led her to develop feelings for him.
I am a huge fan of this character because he is one of the first Black comic Book heroes I read about when I was a kid. I loved the look that he had.  Luke and Jessica got into a fight in the later parts of the series. This was one extreme fight scene, they were throwing each other around like rag dolls. This entire scene was due to the control of Kilgrave. He took control of Lukes mind and unleashed him upon Jessica. They did a wonderful job with the stunt work in this part of the episode you were drawn in and you could actually feel the tension in the episode.
Rachael Taylor plays Trish Walker Jessica's adopted Sister. During the episode you see her develop the character in many facets. She deals with the issues she had with her mother who tried to live through her as a child star, She also has issues with being attacked. She is taking Krag Maga with a trainer and she has special locks and home security that make her place a fortress. Throughout the episodes we see how she deals with all of her issues

We see Jessica dealing with issues and problems as the episode moves along and each time we get a small peak at her incredible strength.
One of the characters that is from the Marvel universe is Nuke played by Will Traval. Nuke is a government agent that was given specialized drugs to heighten his combat abilities. He was made unstable by the drugs which caused him to start war in Hells Kitchen with Daredevil. We may see this later in the new episodes.
If you get a  chance to watch  the show you will not be disappointed because it is very well made. I hope you enjoyed this blog I will continue to write about interesting things as time goes by.
Take care

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Walking Dead season 6 Glen is alive!

The Walking dead season 6 has presented us with some very interesting twists. I watched the last episode where glen looked like he was lunch meat for a few walkers. It was disheartening to think that one of my favorite characters was going to be dead
and found at your local Zombie mart as the lunch special.


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I was shocked because I didn’t expect the show to get rid of one of its main characters.

When the most recent episode started the elephant in the room was addressed right away….Thank you J

We all saw Glen standing on top of the garbage can surrounded by walkers with nowhere to go. It was pretty much a done deal that he was a dead man. Glen and Nicholas were looking at each other when Nicholas pulled out a gun and blew his head off. As we watched they both fell over to the waiting hands of the crowd of walkers who then rang the dinner bell and proceeded to eat the new fresh meal that was provided for them.

We flash forward to Rick who was busy trying to put the walls back up at Alexadria with over 1000 walkers milling around outside. The people of the town are still trying to get over the last attack by the rival survivors who wanted only to kill and plunder the town.

Morgan has a secret he captured on of the invaders and he is trying to get the man to leave his killing ways. Just as it was done for him. I don’t know if this will be possible.  I did like the story on Morgan, it shows how he became the pacifist that he is and how he can totally beat the snot out of you in a fight. That guy is a serious fighter.

Daryl ran into a group that was running from another township of oppressors. Unfortunately for him they thought he was part of the group that was pursuing them. After being held captive and then escaping his soft side showed and he had mercy on the people who were holding him. That lead to him losing his motorcycle and his crossbow ( man that stings)!

The next episode shows us more of what happened after the town has recovered from the last battle. It is obvious that they are setting up the season finale. That church tower that is falling apart is going to cause some serious problems for the people of Alexandria. Their peaceful existence is about to end. Are they ready or will they become dinner for a few thousand walkers? We will see, I will tell you this there will be a few folks meeting their maker after this next episode for sure.

Stay tuned.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Arrow at the Louisvile Kentucky Comic Con

Wizard World Louisville Kentucky Comic Con

The Louisville Comic Con started off with a bang. There was an incredible lineup of stars  scheduled for the show.
Bruce Campbell, “Ash,”'Arrow' Stars Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, John Barrowman, Paul Blackthorne and Willa Holland To Attend Wizard World Comic Con Louisville
David Was a very cool guy in person. He worked  the  room and was very pleasant to all of the artist's who where in Artist Alley. I thought he did a great job making everyone feel important to him.

J. August was an incredibly nice person! He came over and spoke with me as I showed him a wire sculpture I  created based on his character in Marvel Agents of Shield. He even signed the sculpture for me. I thought that was an amazing thing he did. I really appreciate that. I am a fan of the show and I have a new appreciation for him as an actor and as a person.
This is the wire sculpture I created based on his character.
 twisted wire

Jason David Frank was walking by and he saw my wire art work and he came over to ask if there were any wire sculptures of the Green Power Ranger. I told him I had made one of his character and he said I gotta see it. I took it down and he took out a sharpie and signed it on the spot. The funny thing is that I only made one Green Power Ranger wire sculpture and it is the one that is signed by the Jason David Frank himself. I was amazed.
I was standing at my booth and I looked up and saw Stephen Amell walking by. I asked him if he would take a picture holding my wire sculpture of Arrow and he did something I didn't expect. He signed the sculpture and took a few pictures with me. I was floored because he didn't have to do that. He was a really nice guy and now I have a wire sculpture that is signed by the star Of the hit TV series. I was totally stoked!
Bruce Cambell came by to see one of the artists next to me and I had to snap a picture of him. He was dressed for a night out on the town and he was a very nice guy for a Hollywood movie star.
Ken Kelly the artist who drew many of the album covers for Kiss and a signature artist for the Conan the Barbarian comic book series, was at the comic con. He was in my section signing his pictures and meeting all of his fans. I asked him if he would sign my wire sculpture of Conan the Barbarian.

 He said he would now I have my very own signed Conan wire sculpture by one of the most iconic men in art. I know I grew up reading Conan the Barbarian as a kid and I respect his talent and his amazing ability to create artwork. Oh yeah he is a former Marine so to me that was the icing on the cake..

There were a lot of Cos Players at the show. As  they came by I took a few pictures of the ones that I thought were very good.
This was a guy who was cos-playing as the guy from the Howling.  I thought he was a great example of someone who took time to look really good.
This was a guy who was dressed as the creature from Jeepers Creepers. He was about 9 feet tall. I got the creeps just standing there for the picture.

Fire Storm showed up at the con. I thought this was cool because I had never seen anyone cos-play as this character.

This guy was dressed as Bumble Bee and he represented well. I had him pose with my wire sculpture of Bumble Bee.

Deathstroke the Terminator
Shrek and his bride

Silent Hill

The Wizard World  Louisville Kentucky Comic Con was a fun event. I was amazed at the cast of Arrow and all of the other Stars that showed up. They were all very kind and they showed interest in the Artist's on Artist alley. That made my day especially when they started signing my artwork. The Fans were all very excited and they came out in the thousands. I can't tell you how many people came out but I can tell you there was a large sized group of people and they were all excited to be there. I will be at the Dayton Ohio Christmas show in December.
If you enjoyed this blog please  subscribe and I will keep writing about the shows and events that Twisted wire is part of.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Justice league vs Avengers

Justice League vs Avengers
I created my second themed chess set and this time the primary characters are the  Justice league and the Avengers.
This is the top view of the Justice league. All of the pieces are about 3 inches tall so they are not very big. That made it difficult to add the needed detail for each piece. I used checkmate characters as the pawns because they are cool.

I had to give Marvel some love in this set. The tough part was choosing the characters to be the court. That gave me some trouble because there are so may great characters to choose from. I finally  settled on the Iconic characters. I also added War machine because he is one of my favorite pieces.

The king in the set is Thor. I was torn between him and Captain America, but after thinking about it I came to the conclusion that Thor is a Norse god and he does rule Asgaurd.

Captain America would have to be in the set. I tried to capture the shield to give the piece some flash. He is a Bishop in the set.

I made The Hulk larger than the rest well because he is the Hulk. LOL. And you know what The Hulk always says? Hulk SMASH..... I have the Hulk as a Knight in the set.

This piece brought a smile to my face. I think Hawkeye is just the coolest character. I took his classic costume from the comics and gave him only one arrow. He is a rook in the set.

No set is complete without Black widow. I made her the Queen. I was going to use the Scarlet Witch but at the last minute old Black widow won out.

Iron Man .....nuff said. LOL,  I couldn't get the detail in the mask so I just left it out. I'm sure you can tell this is Iron Man. 

The best there is at what he does. Wolverine is one of the coolest characters in the Marvel universe so I had  to include him. He is a knight in the chess set.

Spider man Spider man does whatever a Spider can. Yes I put the old web slinger in the set as a rook.

War machine is my extra piece for the set. I made him just because...

I knew right away that I would have nick Fury and the shield agents as my pawns. They came out great. I even took the time to make them diverse.

I made a small version of Hawk Man and it came out great! I love this character. I will have to make a larger version of it in the future. He is a Rook in the set.

This is a side view of Hawk Man.

The Dark Knight...Nuff said!

I had to give you another view of Batman
Man I really like this character. Batman the Dark Knight came out very well.

No set is complete without Green Lantern.

The Queen in the set is Wonder Woman

The Man of steel is represented. Super Man is the King.

Green Arrow is another great piece for the set.

Cyborg has been added to the Justice league and you know I had to put him in the set.

The  Flash is the fastest man alive and in this set he holds a place as a rook.

 To close out the set I included the check mate group of Warriors.
The entire set took me a few weeks to complete. In the end I this it was well worth the time.
I hope you like the new set. Please follow me on facebook for more interesting art. please click on an add before you close the blog.
I'll see you next week.